Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Range and Outliers

Range - Positive Difference between the largest and smallest values in a data set.

eg. 6,2,9,4,3 Re-order the data set.
2,3,4,6,9 Subtract smaller value from larger value.
9 - 2 = 7. 7 is your range.
eg. -8,-1,-3,-5 Re-order the data set.
-8,-5,-3,-1 Subtract smaller value from larger value.
(-8) - (-1) = 7

Outlier - A value that is much smaller or larger than the other data values, or the "outcast".
-A data set may have one or more outliers or no outliers at all.

Try to find the Range of the following.

a). 7,4,3,6,2,5,8,3 b).11,8,8,5,7,6,7,6,6 c). -4,3,-1,0,2

Try to find the Outlier of the following.

a). 18,19,79,17,20,12 b). 14,14,16,15,1,16 c). 98,202,99,91,2,95,89,88,94

Watch this video to learn more about Range and Outlier.

Thank you for reading my post.

Please leave a comment on anything I did wrong or think I should add next time.


  1. Great Work Kevin, I liked the colors you used. You explained everything well, and it was organized, next time you may want to add the actual video, but overall good job.
    Keep it up. (:

  2. goodwork Kevin Next time put some vidoe and good work keep it up :)

  3. Good Job Kevin!! Next time add some videos and i like the colours. Overall good job! Keep up the Goodwork!

  4. Magnificent job Kevin.I liked how you added photos and colours. Your scribe is well organized. However, try to add the actual video not just the link. But overall, you did a great job. Keep it up!:)

  5. Good job! Next time, try adding a picture

  6. GOOD JOB KEVIN! Next time try adding some picture. Anyways, nice work!

  7. Awesome Job Kevin! I liked the varieties of colors that you chose, and that your scribe is well organized.Nest time, try adding the actual video than the link and add pictures.Other than that, good job! keep it up :)

  8. Good job! Next time add a link.

  9. Awesome Job Kevin ! (: I liked the colors and how neat you were, keep it up !

  10. Good job, next time, add a video

  11. Good job kevin (: Next time add a video to explan it more,

  12. Good job, put a video next time.

  13. Good job kevin!! but next time you might want to add a video

  14. Goob Job, next time add more coulrs and a video.

  15. Good job Kevin, I liked the colors you used. You explained everything well, and it was organized, next time you may want to add the actual video, but overall good job.

  16. I liked how u gave us question to answer and not just told us the answer but u should have probably included a viedeo
